Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 2!

4.5 lbs down! So excited and pumped! From here on out the weight loss should be actual weight and not just stomach shrinking and water weight! I am so excited and I am not even insanely tempted to break! Yes, I want to eat that piece of cake my sister brought home from Fire Oak Grill with the yummy crust, whipped cream, chocolate, and bananas, but it's not worth it! I am so encouraged to keep going! The Lord is keeping me from temptation. Not only am I happy with the diet but I am learning about how awesome the Lord is! 
I have not been able to workout yet because I have a stress fracture somewhere in my metatarsal bones. Therefore, I looked up online (as well as the advice from my lovely mother and sister Sarah) that swimming is a great alternative exercise I can do and it won't hurt my foot! Yay! So this next week I will add in swimming! So excited to burn some good old calories other than what the body naturally burns! 
Also, now that I am home I can cook healthy and that I love it! I grilled some chicken tonight and put Saltgrass Steak House seasoning on it! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Its a must try! Put it on the George Foreman Grill for about 10-15 minutes and you will have a nice, tasty, and juicy piece of chicken breast! Then slice up half a peach, 2 strawberries, toast 1-2 TBS of sliced almonds or smash up 7 pistachios. Place all ingredients on a bed of organic spinach mix (or baby spinach) and you have a great salad! DRESSING: You do not really need any dressing but if you like it like me use light balsamic!
Well thats it for this week! Adios!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Not everyday!

I promise not to post like a crazy person everyday! It will be more of a weekly thing! But I have to today! Today is day 1! Sunday! Thought the 1st day of the week would be a great day to start! So for day one of week one mom and I set a plan! See she really wants to help me with this weight loss thing so why not! The more accountability the more success right? 
Any who had fun last night eating what I wanted! I was like its the end of the week I so want to break and Sunday is a great day to start! Today cold turkey is done happily! 
My plan is to drink lots and lots of water, run/walk everyday for 2-3 miles or (500 calories burned), do weightlifting because I LOVE it, push mow for the parents, and eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and little to no bread (that's a kicker). Side note I like having a piece with my vitamins in the mornings to soak them up! 
Last of all NO SWEETS!!!!! I was going to go off caffeine but I might need a coffee here or there to deal with the sugar withdraw headaches! Advil only goes so far! 
Most important part of all this health physically is to keep my focus on my spiritual health! I can do nothing apart from my Savior Jesus Christ! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Confessions of a sophomore year! Ready.....Set......Go!!!!

Well lets start off with Epic Fails and remember to be grateful for new beginnings! As my plan was to get healthier and such sophomore year......... I did the complete opposite. Embarrassing to say but it is true. And if I really want accountability than it is something I must confess.
But today we start again! And this time we will succeed! So keep up on this journey as new goals are set, new recipes are posted, and new success is reached! The Lord is my strength! Let's do this!